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About Us

Michielsen’s Tree Nursery is a family owned and operated business, proudly established by John & Sandra Michielsen in 1989. Nursery production began on 2.7 hectares of land, which has now expanded to approximately 15 hectares.  John’s additional knowledge of tractor ground preparation and spraying, for horticultural crops, is a great asset, and includes doing ground preparation for other nurseries in the area.


Both John and Sandra’s two sons, Dale & Steve are involved in the development and expansion of the business, along with their partners Melissa and Chanelle.  

  • Dale and Melissa, operate Michielsens Transport who are bulk cartage contractors, but during the winter months deliver the trees, along with other Taranaki Grower’s product, New Zealand wide. 


  • In 2018, Steve & Chanelle joined the business to help with the everyday running of the nursery in the field and office.  John’s enthusiasm for machinery has passed down to Steve who now helps with nursery ground preparation along with expanding into conventional hay, bale wrapping, and silage making.

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